Saturday, February 15, 2020

Post 2 Brief Intro

 Scleroderma Foundation

Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a chronic connective tissue disease generally classified as one of the autoimmune rheumatic diseases. The word “scleroderma” comes from two Greek words: “sclero” meaning hard, and “derma” meaning skin. Hardening of the skin is one of the most visible manifestations of the disease. The Scleroderma Foundation is a great resource;;jsessionid=00000000.app30132b?NONCE_TOKEN=57C12279C252CE783E91EE425826D551#.Xkej7yhKjIU  
It is not known what causes scleroderma, but it is thought to be an autoimmune condition that causes the body to produce too much connective tissue. This leads to thickening, or fibrosis, and scarring of tissue. ... People with scleroderma often come from families in which another autoimmune disease exists.  
Chronic hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues.
Fewer than 200,000 US cases per year
Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured
Requires a medical diagnosis
Lab tests or imaging always required
Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong
Scleroderma is a group of rare diseases that more often affects women. It commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 50.
Symptoms include tightening of the skin, joint pain, exaggerated response to cold (Raynaud's disease), and heartburn.
Treatments include medication, physical therapy, and surgery.
Consult a doctor for medical advice
Sources: Mayo Clinic and others. Learn more

Requires a medical diagnosis
Symptoms include tightening of the skin, joint pain, exaggerated response to cold (Raynaud's disease), and heartburn.
People may experience:
Pain areas: in the joints
Skin: rashes, swollen blood vessels in the skin, or ulcers
Also common: acid reflux, chronic cough, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, fatigue, headache, joint stiffness, Raynaud's syndrome, sensitivity to cold, shortness of breath, tight and hardened fingers, or weight loss
Consult a doctor for medical advice